Short-Term Missions Workbook
Tim Dearborn - IVP
Going on a short-term missions trip can be a life- and faith-transforming experience. It can enrich the way we view the world. It can cause us to rely on God more fully. It's an opportunity to develop deep relationships with our team and the people we serve.A short-term missions experience can also involve weeks of physical and spiritual challenges. An unprepared team can wreak havoc on each other and the people they intend to serve.To get the most out of a missions trip, we need to go prepared. Whether we're going on our own or with a team, the keys to preparation are here in this workbook. In this ten-week course, you will find - a concise summary of crosscultural principles - help in facing spiritual warfare - tips on avoiding a tourist mentality - spiritual preparation through individual or group Bible study - questions for individual reflection and group discussionThis revised and expanded edition includes updated content throughout and new chapters on facing risks, fears, and suffering, and making the most of the trip after returning home.If you are planning to go on a short-term missions trip, don't leave home without working through this book!
144 páginas
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Mantendo a igreja pura
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Devocionário Nossa Senhora La Salette
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Pela estrada do perdão
Tania Queiroz,Marcus Vinícius

Habilidades sociais
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Culture Making
Andy Crouch,Tish Harrison Warren

O poder da fé em tempos difíceis
Stormie Omartian

O Messias na Páscoa
Darrell L. Bock,Mitch Glaser

Homilética & Hermenêutica
Bryan Chapell,Abraham Kuruvilla,Paul Scott Wilson,Kenneth Langley

Pensar - Amar - Fazer
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Feathers of Hope Study Guide
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Família indestrutível
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Os Dez mandamentos e o mundo empresarial
Gilclér Regina

Cristianismo e política - Professor
Vagner Barbosa

Dictionary of New Testament Background
Craig A. Evans,Stanley E. Porter

O presbítero
Rodrigo Carrijo e Silva,Cornelis Van Dam

The Messiah Comes to Middle-Earth
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A Place for Truth
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As sete virtudes do líder amoroso
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Death and the Afterlife
D. A. Carson,Paul R. Williamson