True Story Bible Study
James Choung - IVP Bible Studies
Is the gospel really good news? What was the central message of Jesus, and how can Christians share it effectively with others?In these five easy-to-use studies, James Choung guides readers through key Scripture passages that informed his groundbreaking book True Story. Discover the four movements of the gospel's Big Story and what they mean for living and sharing the Christian faith.As companions to the IVP Signature Collection, IVP Signature Bible Studies help individuals and groups explore and apply biblical truths found in classic books. Each session features quotations from True Story matched with Scripture passages, reflection questions, and application ideas that will equip readers to connect the text to their own lives. A leader's guide and list of suggested resources are also included.
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Recomece, Deus acredita em você
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Salmos 69-72, NVT
Editora Mundo Cristão

Quando sou fraco, sou forte
Estevan Kirschner,Andy Crouch

Seitas secretas
Sérgio Pereira Couto

Reading Your Life's Story
Keith R. Anderson

The Message of Esther
David G. Firth

Salmos, minha vida, minha oração
Frei Patrício Sciadini

Santo Agostinho,Beatriz S. S. Cunha

Sermão expositivo
Jubal Gonçalves

Spirituality According to John
Rodney Reeves

Signposts to God
Peter Bussey

O milagre da atenção plena
Thich Nhat Hanh

Ezekiel, Daniel
Carl L. Beckwith

The Message of Samuel
Mary J. Evans

Padres exaustos
Vagner Sanagiotto

O mistério da Ceia
Raniero Cantalamessa