The World
John Stott, Tim Chester - IVP
How can Christians effectively engage today's world while staying true to Scripture? Calling us to listen well to both the Word and the world, John Stott shows how Christianity can preserve its authentic identity and remain relevant to current realities. With the God's Word for Today series, pastor Tim Chester has updated Stott's classic book The Contemporary Christian and made it accessible to new generations of readers.In The World, Stott presents four major aspects of the church's mission—God's assignment to infiltrate the world and share the good news. How do we understand the uniqueness of Christ in a pluralistic world? What is the biblical basis for mission? What is the relationship between evangelism and social responsibility? And what can we learn about mission from the life and work of Jesus? Each chapter includes questions for reflection or discussion.The Christianity of the Bible is not a safe, escapist religion but an explosive force pulling us into the world to witness and serve. This book equips individuals and churches to join the mission that flows from the heart of God.
128 páginas
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