A Place for Truth
Dallas Willard - IVP
Many today pursue knowledge and even wisdom. But what about truth? In an age that disputes whether truth can be universalized beyond one's own personal experience, it seems quaint to speak of finding truth. But whether in the ivory towers of the academy or in the midst of our everyday lives, we continue to seek after the true, the beautiful and the good.Since its founding at Harvard in 1992, The Veritas Forum has provided a place for the university world to explore the deepest questions of truth and life. What does it mean to be human? Does history have a purpose? Is life meaningful? Can rational people believe in God? Now gathered in one volume are some of The Veritas Forum's most notable presentations, with contributions from Francis Collins, Tim Keller, N. T. Wright, Mary Poplin and more. Volume editor Dallas Willard introduces each presentation, highlighting its significance and putting it in context for us today. Also included are selected question and answer sessions with the speakers from the original forum experiences.Come eavesdrop on some of today's leading Christian thinkers and their dialogue partners. And consider how truth might find a place in your own life.
323 páginas
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Os títulos que podem te interessar, de acordo com suas escolhas recentes.

A cura dos corações doloridos
Ricardo Ida

Narrativas míticas
Emerson Sena da Silveira,Dilaine Soares Sampaio

Vocação e missão dos cristãos leigos hoje
Benedito Beni dos Santos

Jack Kuhatschek

20th-Century Theology
Roger E. Olson,Stanley J. Grenz

Dicionário secreto da maçonaria
Sérgio Pereira Couto

Mapping Church Missions
Paul Borthwick,Sharon R. Hoover

How Many Isaiahs Were There and What Does It Matter?
Richard L. Schultz

Faithful Disobedience
Ian Johnson,Hannah Nation,J. D. Tseng,Wang Wang

From Topic to Thesis
Michael Kibbe

Minha Alegria Esteja Em Vós
Dom Karl Josef Romer

Birmingham Revolution
Edward Gilbreath

Douglas Connelly

Seeing Jesus in East Harlem
José Humphreys

Igrejas que transformam o Brasil
Sérgio Queiroz,Ed Stetzer

Counseling Couples in Conflict
Mark A. Yarhouse,James N. Sells

The Mission of God
Christopher J.H. Wright

Devocionário ardente ao Divino Espírito Santo
Diác. Fernando José Bondan

A gentileza que cativa
Dallas Willard,Amiro Pisetta