The Theology of the Book of Isaiah
John Goldingay - IVP Academic
Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference "Yahweh sits enthroned, high and lifted up A shoot grows from the stump of Jesse A Servant pours himself out to death Kings and nations stream to Zion" The book of Isaiah's imagery sparkles as it inspires. It draws us in to meditate and extends our vision toward the future. But what should we make of this sprawling and puzzling book—so layered and complex in its composition—as a whole? John Goldingay helps us make sense of this "book called Isaiah" as a tapestry of patterned collages, parts put together in an intentional whole. The Theology of the Book of Isaiah studies the prophecies, messages and theology of each section of the complex book, then unfurls its unifying themes—from Zion to David to the Holy One of Israel. Like a program guide to Handel's Messiah, Goldingay helps us see, hear and understand the grandeur of this prophetic masterpiece among the Prophets.
160 páginas
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