Discovering the Mission of God Supplement
Robin Martin, Mike Barnett - IVP Academic
Written by 21st-century field workers, scholars and church leaders, this original ebook provides a companion to Discovering the Mission of God: Best Missional Practices for the 21st Century. In sixteen original chapters, you're invited to explore the mission of God as presented in the Bible, expressed throughout church history and in cutting-edge best practices being used around the world today. Like its parent volume, this reader provides global perspective, recent missiological research, case studies, recommended further readings and relevant discussion questions at the end of each chapter.Contributors include:Mike Barnett John Brady Mike Edens Charles Fielding Gordon Fort Marty Glickman James M. Hamilton Scott Harris Peter Hawkins Patrick Lai Clyde Meador Rebekah A. Naylor J. Jeffrey Palmer J. D. Payne Timothy M. Pierce Brad Roderick Natalie Shepherd Jerry Rankin
174 páginas
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Os títulos que podem te interessar, de acordo com suas escolhas recentes.

Mitos papais
Leandro Duarte Rust

The Language of Science and Faith
Francis S. Collins,Karl W. Giberson

Emily Hunter McGowin

Os últimos dias segundo Jesus
R. C. Sproul,Lúcia Kerr Jóia

The Path Between Us
Suzanne Stabile

10 respostas que vão mudar sua vida
Padre Reginaldo Manzotti

Adopted into God's Family
D. A. Carson,Trevor J. Burke

Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics
Graeme Goldsworthy

Questions of Context
John G. Flett,Henning Wrogemann

Impossible People
Os Guinness

Box Heróis da Igreja
Al Truesdale

Know What You Believe
James F. Nyquist,Paul E. Little

Jesus, um judeu
Igor Sabino

The Advent of the Lamb of God
Russ Ramsey

Breaking Free
Russell Willingham

Faithful Disobedience
Ian Johnson,Hannah Nation,J. D. Tseng,Wang Wang

A hora da essência
Ana Claudia Quintana Arantes,Pe. Fábio de Melo

Douglas Connelly

Fundamentos da teologia reformada
Hermisten Maia