The Road Back to You Study Guide
Ian Morgan Cron, Suzanne Stabile - IVP Formatio
Missio Alliance Essential Reading List The Essential Study Guide Companion to the Bestselling Enneagram Resource Want to go deeper into the Enneagram? Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile have created a content-rich companion to their book The Road Back to You. For those who don't yet know their number, it will offer further opportunity to explore the numbers, and for those who already do, it offers an opportunity to reflect on implications for growth. This study guide features - An overview of the Enneagram with new material about triads - SNAP: a helpful tool for growth - Five sessions with questions appropriate for personal growth or group discussion, with space to write - Reflections from individuals of each type about what it's like to be their numberWhether you are on your own or meeting with a group, this guide will help you to grow in knowledge of yourself, compassion for others, and love for God.
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