The Next Worship Bible Study
Sandra Maria Van Opstal - IVP Bible Studies
Our destiny, Scripture reveals, is worshiping together as the multiethnic, multilingual, multinational family of God. Our worship here on earth should reflect, point to, and prepare for that ultimate experience. In these five studies, Sandra Maria Van Opstal dives into biblical perspectives on worship that shaped her groundbreaking book The Next Worship. Focusing on key passages throughout the New Testament, she invites readers to consider how worship relates to diversity, reconciliation, hospitality, unity, and more. As companions to the IVP Signature Collection, IVP Signature Bible Studies help individuals and groups explore and apply biblical truths found in classic books. Each session features quotations from The Next Worship matched with Scripture passages, reflection questions, and application ideas that will equip readers to connect the text to their own lives. A leader's guide is also included.
64 páginas
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Devocional Dose Bíblica - Jardim
Sankto Editorial

Bate-papo com o além
Zibia Gasparetto,Silveira Sampaio

Opening to God
David G. Benner

Tending Soul, Mind, and Body
Todd Wilson,Gerald L. Hiestand

Longing for God
Richard J. Foster,Gayle D. Beebe

Devocionais para meninas
Susana Klassen

Tenha um ótimo dia!
Djanira Silva

Reading Romans with John Stott
John Stott,Dale Larsen,Sandy Larsen

Postmortem Opportunity
James Beilby

The Church
John Stott,Tim Chester

A história do Budismo
Rômulo B. Rodrigues

Commentaries on Job, Hosea, Joel, and Amos
Thomas P. Scheck,Julian

Renewing Communication
Colleen R. Derr

Delivered from the Elements of the World
Peter J. Leithart

Viver em oração
São Francisco de Sales

Arame farpado no paraíso
Tiago Cavaco

From Bubble to Bridge
Sara L. H. Shady,Eboo Patel,Marion H. Larson

30 dias para tornar-se uma mulher de oração
Stormie Omartian

Prof. Felipe Aquino