The Message of Malachi
Peter Adam - IVP Academic
The book of Malachi fittingly sits in Christian Bibles as the last book of the Old Testament, which it assumes, summarizes, and applies. Yet it also looks forward to the New Testament with its promises of the coming reign of God. A striking feature of the book is the people of God's inconsistent faithfulness. God's people neither serve God wholeheartedly nor turn entirely away in blatant disobedience. But God persists in speaking to them, showing his grace in close proximity to their sin. Malachi reveals God's unfailing love and reminds God's people to keep this conviction central. Part of the beloved Bible Speaks Today series, The Message of Malachi offers an insightful, readable exposition of the biblical text and thought-provoking discussion of how its meaning relates to contemporary life. Used by students and teachers around the world, the Bible Speaks Today commentaries are ideal for those studying or preaching the Bible and anyone who wants to delve deeper into the text. This revised edition of a classic volume features lightly updated language, current NIV Scripture quotations, and a new interior design.
136 páginas
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