Last Things Revealed
Lee Strobel, Jim Dixon - IVP
With all the doomsday fanatics and psychics predicting the end times, different interpretations of the Bible creating wild speculation, and pop culture spinning a story full of dark drama and fear what do we do and where do we go?In Last Things Revealed Dr. Jim Dixon addresses these issues thoughtfully and carefully from his years of experience teaching on these subjects. As a passionate teacher and historian, he weaves in history, historical terms, and current events to back up each lesson from Scripture.While other books tend to focus only on what the end times will look like, Dr. Dixon goes back and looks at relations between important people groups that he feels will have a significant story in the times to come—such as Islam and Israel. He looks at what we can learn from events and people in the Bible that are like stories out of the headlines of today's news, leaving us with a both a deep understanding and hope as we live forward with confidence.
148 páginas
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