The Message of Luke
Michael Wilcock - IVP Academic
Luke the physician was fascinated by people—rich and poor, Jews and Gentiles, men and women, rulers and slaves. In his Gospel he delights to portray Jesus as the Savior not of an elite group but of anyone, in any condition, who turns to him. Jesus is indeed the Savior of the world. Luke knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote his Gospel. He tells us his goal in the opening verses: to set forth an orderly and accurate account of what had been accomplished by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. In this Bible Speaks Today volume, Michael Wilcock gives special attention to these opening words. Then, as he examines the individual deeds and sayings of Jesus, he shows how the structure of Luke's narrative brings out their meaning. This new edition includes updated language and current NIV Scripture quotations throughout. The good news of Luke is still true today. No one is beyond redemption unless he chooses to put himself there. This message has implications not only for our personal lives but for our churches and for society as a whole.
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SAF em Revista - 1º trimestre 2023
Confederação Nacional de SAFs

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Olhares sobre o mundo
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O brilho da verdade
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Zen e a arte de salvar o planeta
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O Melhor Ano da sua Vida
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Nobody's Mother
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Somos todos inocentes
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The Lost World of Adam and Eve
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