Invitation to Solitude and Silence
Dallas Willard, Ruth Haley Barton - IVP Formatio
Christianity Today Book Award Will you accept God's invitation? Much of our faith and practice is about words—preaching, teaching, talking with others. Yet all of these words are not enough to take us into the real presence of God where we can hear his voice. This book is an invitation to you to meet God deeply and fully outside the demands and noise of daily life. It is an invitation to solitude and silence. The beauty of a true invitation is that we really do have a choice about embarking on this adventure. God extends the invitation, but he honors our freedom and will not push himself where he is not wanted. Instead, he waits for us to respond from the depths of our desire. Will you say yes? In Invitation to Solitude and Silence, you'll find: - An expanded edition that includes a discussion guide for groups, - Spiritual practices to help you learn to practice silence, as an individual or in groups, and - Ruth Haley Barton's vital way to deeper intimacy with God and our own true selves.
166 páginas
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