The Message of Kings
John W. Olley - IVP Academic
At the beginning of 1 Kings, Solomon's reign brought peace, prosperity, dynamic international trade, and a magnificent center of worship. By the end of 2 Kings, the people faced a complete reversal: they and their king were in exile, and Jerusalem and the temple lay in ruins. How can this story, told by the very people who suffered the defeat, be of value today? In this Bible Speaks Today volume, John Olley shows how the two books of Kings retell the past as preached history, addressing the exilic situation of the original readers. Within the account of paths leading to short-term success but ultimate failure, there are pointers of hope, of God's continuing purposes and promises, and of the people's response. In rich and often surprising ways, the narrative in Kings is part of the history that has shaped the faith of Christian believers. Everyday life, along with the turmoil of national and global events, is the arena in which God's people are called to worship, trust, and obey him. The books of 1 and 2 Kings continue to throw light on these issues for readers in every generation. Used by students and teachers around the world, The Bible Speaks Today commentaries are ideal for those studying or preaching the Bible and anyone who wants to delve deeper into the text.
400 páginas
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