Rebels and Exiles
Benjamin L. Gladd, Matthew S. Harmon - IVP Academic
Biblical Foundations Book Awards Finalist Deep within the human psyche lies a sense that we were made for something more than this broken world. We all share an experience of exile—of longing for our true home. In this ESBT volume, Matthew S. Harmon explores how the theme of sin and exile is developed throughout Scripture. He traces a common pattern of human rebellion, God's judgment, and the hope of restored relationship, beginning with the first humans and concluding with the end of exile in a new creation. In this story we encounter the remarkable grace of a God who wants to dwell with his people, and we learn how to live well as exiles in a fallen world. Rebels and Exiles makes clear how the paradigm of sin leading to exile is foundational for understanding both the biblical storyline and human existence. Essential Studies in Biblical Theology (ESBT), edited by Benjamin L. Gladd, explore the central or "essential" themes of the Bible's grand storyline. Taking cues from Genesis 1-3, authors explore the presence of these themes throughout the entire sweep of redemption history. Written for students, church leaders, and laypeople, the ESBT offers an introduction to biblical theology.
184 páginas
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