Surrender to Love
M. Basil Pennington, David G. Benner - IVP Formatio
Surrender to the Only Perfectly Trustworthy Love In our self-reliant era, most of us recoil from the concept of surrendering to a power or authority outside ourselves. But surrender need not be seen as threatening, especially when the One to whom we surrender is the epitome of goodness and love. God doesn't want his people to respond to him out of fear or obligation. Rather, he invites us to enter into an authentic relationship of intimacy and devotion. And so God calls us to move beyond mere obedience—by surrendering to love. In this profound book, David G. Benner explores the twin themes of love and surrender as the heart of Christian spirituality. Through careful examination of Scripture and reflection on the Christian tradition, Benner shows how God bids us to trust fully in his perfect love. God is love, and he intends for you to live in his love. Surrender to Love will lead you to an unexpected place, where yieldedness to God frees you to become who he created you to be. This expanded edition, one of three titles in The Spiritual Journey trilogy, includes: - A new epilogue - An experiential guide with questions for individual reflection, as well as - Questions for group discussion.
128 páginas
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