The Future of Biblical Interpretation
Matthew R. Malcolm, Stanley E. Porter - IVP Academic
- Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference for 2014 (Scripture/Hermeneutics)The Bible encompasses a plurality of voices, not only in genre but in perspective. And not surprisingly, interpreters of the Bible have generated a plurality of interpretations. How might biblical scholars work responsibly with and within this plurality? And what are the future directions or possibilities for biblical hermeneutics?The essays in The Future of Biblical Interpretation originated in a conference held in honor of Anthony C. Thiselton, who is well known for his important work in hermeneutics and New Testament interpretation. After an opening essay by Thiselton on "The Future of Biblical Interpretation and Responsible Plurality in Hermeneutics," the contributors look at the issues from a variety of angles—theological, scriptural, kerygmatic, historical, critical, ecclesial and relational. The result is an engaging conversation exploring responsible and productive interpretation of the Bible. A must-read for anyone seriously engaged in biblical scholarship today.
165 páginas
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