Soul Bare
Cara Sexton - IVP
Honesty, authenticity and vulnerability. You want to be a person who reflects these qualities. But sometimes it's just hard to reveal your deepest hardships and struggles. How are Christians supposed to have hope and experience wholeness amidst personal challenges and failures?The women and men of Soul Bare not only intimately understand the risks of exposure, but they are also willing to share their most poignant and painful moments with you. Soul Bare features contributions from the best of today's influential young writers, including - Emily P. Freeman - Trillia Newbell - Holley Gerth - Seth Haines - Jennifer Dukes Lee - and many moreSoak in these powerful reflections, and you will find your own soul soothed. If you need to experience beauty in the brokenness of real life laid bare, this book is for you.
216 páginas
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Certas ideias e suas consequências: professor
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O Evangelho de Buda
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1 and 2 Thessalonians
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Quero que sejas
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Small Things with Great Love
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