The future of antitrust
Priscila Brolio Gonçalves - Editora Singular
The book has been organized in five sections. The first one deals with goals of antitrust law and policy in the digital area, as well as legal tools and economic analysis. Authors discuss the inclusion of objectives beyond economic welfare in competition policies in the US, Europe and Brazil; consumer choice under the consumer welfare standard; the revival and the role of behavioral economics in antitrust; particularities (or not) of competition in digital markets and multi-sided digital platforms; and data protection (in opposition to data itself) as a potential valuable tool to antitrust analysis. The second Section of the book is dedicated to merger control, including articles for and against the adjustment of notification thresholds in Brazil; the question about scrutinizing killer acquisitions; the discussion concerning the need of a "new merger analysis" for digital markets; bankruptcy and a screening test for failing firm defense; and trends based in CADE's caselaw, including relevant market definition, complexity declaration, associative agreements, the health industry and the very recent Boeing-Embraer case. The third Section is about behavior control and is divided into three chapters, beginning with papers applicable to all types of conducts. Contributors discuss tendencies and modifications in the antitrust analysis of competitive behavior in digital markets, and procedural flaws and how to correct them. Among horizontal behavior, authors analyze price algorithms, labor related practices such as wage fixing and non-poaching agreements, hub and spoke infringements and exchange of sensitive information. The reviewing of consequences and concerns related to the hypothetical knock out of a leniency agreement closes this chapter. Among unilateral conducts, articles approach trends based on recent CADE's precedents, and specific practices such as on-line bans, geoblocking and geopricing, bundled payments in the health care industry and the Google shopping case. Section four is dedicated to competition advocacy and antitrust policy in specifically regulated markets. Authors deal with CADE's role in the pandemic; new regulatory proceedings issued by the Secretariat of Economic Law (SEAE); clauses constraining market shares in public biddings; competition policy in the cryptocurrency market; open banking; and competition in the Brazilian payments industry. Last but not least, Section five approaches antitrust litigation, ranging from private actions for antitrust damages – the relation between public enforcement and private actions; perspectives; disclosure of relevant materials and information, including in connection to leniency agreements; pass-on-defense – to arbitration in antitrust disputes and specialized courts. The final result is a very important and interesting book, comprising high valued opinions and personal views on a vast set of contemporary subjects. We congratulate all contributors and hope readers enjoy this journey!
441 páginas
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Tributação sobre a renda (IRPJ/CSLL)
Carlos Augusto Daniel Neto,Luís Eduardo Schoueri,Cleucio Santos Nunes,Alexandre Alkmim Teixeira,Fabiana Okchstein Kelbert,Jandir J. Dalle Lucca,Junia Roberta Gouveia Sampaio,Gisele Barra Bossa,Paula Vasconcellos Jabour,Lucas Bevilacqua,Diego Miguita,Jeferson Teodorovicz,Daniel Luiz Simioni Filho,Ângela Castaño Mariño,Michell Przepiorka,Sergio André Rocha,Victor Guilherme Esteche Filho,Danielle Caldeirão Santos Castilho,Caio Cesar Nader Quintella,Fredy José Gomes de Albuquerque,Leonardo Luis Pagano Gonçalves,Raphael Assef Lavez,Andréa Duek Simantob,Ricardo Mariz de Oliveira

Direito ao esquecimento e seus mecanismos de tutela na internet
Júlia Costa de Oliveira Coelho

Justiça Multiportas
Trícia Navarro Xavier Cabral

Alimentos - Aspectos Processuais
Humberto Theodoro Júnior,Patrícia Corrêa Sanches,Marcelo Mazzola,Ravi Peixoto,Iara Viana Ferreira,Fredie Didier Junior,Jaqueline Prestes,Thiago Vargas Simões,Fernanda Gadotti Duwe,Flávia Pereira Hill,Regiane França Liblik,Flávio Jacinto da Silva,Helena Lanna Figueiredo,Ronner Botelho Soares,Luiz Rodrigues Wambier,Thiago Garcia Ivassaki,Leandro Fernandez,Fernanda Rabello,Humberto Santarosa de Oliveira,Cecília Rodrigues Frutuoso Hildebrand,Gustavo D'Alessandro

Comentários ao Código Nacional de Normas - Foro Extrajudicial - Parte Geral - 1ª Ed - 2024
Aline Rodrigues de Andrade,Samila Ariana Alves Machado,João Rodrigo Stinghen

Lições de Direito Civil - Vol. 4 - Direito das Coisas
Nehemias Domingos de Melo

Como passar na OAB 1ª Fase: direito civil
Wander Garcia,Ana Paula Garcia

Como passar em concursos CESPE: direito processual civil
Wander Garcia,Ana Paula Garcia

Revista de Direito da Saúde Suplementar n. 8
Fernando Dolabela,José Luiz Toro da Silva,Valquíria Ferreira de Faria,Welington Luiz Paulo,Fábia Madureira de Castro Bicalho,Poliana Lobo e Leite,Clenio Jair Schulze,Nildeval Chianca Jr.,Paulo Roberto Rebello Filho,Mariana Landim Carneiro,Lizandra Stephanie Barreto,Valquiria Natielly Cateringer,Paula Lôbo Naslavsky Pereira Lima,Rafhael Camargo,Rafaela de Souza Fortes Silva,Maurício Tesseroli Miot,Leonardo Cardonia,Isabella Borba Vilela Borges

Como passar em concursos CESPE: direito agrário
Wander Garcia,Ana Paula Garcia

Direito fundamental de herança
Mário Luiz Delgado

Cuidados Paliativos
Maria de Fátima Freire de Sá,Bruno Torquato de Oliveira Naves,Cynthia Pereira de Araújo,Ana Carolina Brochado Teixeira,Ana Carla Harmatiuk Matos,Carla Carvalho,Sálvia Haddad,Luciana Dadalto,Rafaela Borensztein,Eduardo Dantas,Igor de Lucena Mascarenhas,Miguel Kfouri Neto,Rafaella Nogaroli,Alessandra Alves de Vasconcelos,Alexandro de Oliveira,Camila Vasconcelos,Catherine F. Mainart,Diogo Gonzales Julio,Elda Bussinguer,Flávia Siqueira,Giovana Paola Batista Rodrigues,Izabele Kasecker,Larissa Fortes Do Amaral,Lívia Abigail Callegari,Moyana Mariano Robles-Lessa,Natalia Carolina Verdi,Priscila Demari Baruffi,Raíssa Edite Corrêa Teixeira,Sandra Marques Magalhães,Sarah Carvalho Santos,Suzana Nemeth Paniquar Kiipper,Taíssa Barreira

O Judiciário Brasileiro
Luciana Yeung

Bens Públicos
Carlos Eduardo Ferreira dos Santos

Ministério Público Estratégico
Nirson Medeiros da Silva Neto,Renata Rivitti,Valderez Deusdedit Abbud,Sirleni Fernandes da Silva,Vanessa Therezinha Sousa de Almeida,Ana Laura Bandeira Lins Lunardelli,Larissa Fernanda Romão da Cunha,Marina Ganzarolli,Fabíola Sucasas Negrão Covas,Arielle Sagrillo Scarpati,Tereza Cristina Maldonado Katurchi Exner,Luciana Temer,Richard Gantus Encinas,Valéria Diez Scarance Fernandes,Maria José Basaglia,Fabiana Dal'Mas Rocha Paes,Juliana Mendonça Gentil Tocunduva,Susana Henriques da Costa,Samira Bueno,Danieli Rocha Chiuzuli,Mônica de Barros Marcondes Desinano,Liliana Mercadante Mortari,Luis Mileo,Cristiane Corrêa de Souza Hillal,Amanda Lagreca,Mônica Milly Nunes Melo,Betina Barros,Anna Trotta Yaryd,Maria Divanete Roverci,Rogério Sanches Cunha,Wagner Alves Pereira,Josineide Gadelha Pamplona Medeiros,Vera Lúcia de Camargo Braga Taberti

Desapropriação e Técnica Processual - 1ª Ed - 2024
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Bioética e Biodireito
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