The Decalogue
David L. Baker - IVP Academic
- Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Top Shelf Book Cover Award 2017The Ten Commandments, or Decalogue, have long been a pillar of Western law and culture. In more recent times they have been a point of controversy in the public square. But on closer scrutiny the commandments are particularly addressed to the people of God. In the exodus narrative, their revelation on Mount Sinai is framed in symbols of awe—fire, smoke, and blaring trumpets. To this centerpiece of Sinai, David L. Baker brings his extensive research and reflection. Setting each commandment within its ancient Near Eastern setting, he clearly backlights their cultural profile. Then, within their covenantal framework, he illuminates their biblical-theological meaning. Finally, viewing each commandment in light of our contemporary setting, he reflects on how they cut against the cultural grain and shed light on our pathway as the people of God. The result is a focused commentary on the Decalogue. For anyone studying the Decalogue and Old Testament ethics—students or laypeople, teachers or preachers—this book is an indispensable guide to the "Ten Words" God delivered at Sinai.
240 páginas
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