Does God Really Like Me?
Cyd Holsclaw, Geoff Holsclaw - IVP
"I guess I believe that God loves me. But does he like me?" We all know what it's like to feel overlooked, disconnected, and ashamed. We might believe in God's love in the abstract, but we often live our lives without experiencing it in any deep or lasting way. Pastors Cyd and Geoff Holsclaw understand this—indeed, they've felt it themselves. In this warm, engaging book, they explain from the story of Scripture that God not only likes us and wants to be with us, he also wants to work through us to bless the whole world. Filled with personal stories and simple, clear teaching from the Bible, Does God Really Like Me? applies the good news of the gospel to the shame and disconnection that we all experience in our everyday lives. God wants to be with us—we belong in his presence. And from that place of belonging, we can bless the whole world with the message of God's love.
224 páginas
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