Stronger Than You Think
Kim Gaines Eckert - IVP
If you've known broken relationships . . .If you've ever felt like you don't measure up . . .If you've suspected something inside you might be missing or flawed . . .This book is for you.Kim Gaines Eckert, psychologist and counselor, has spent years helping women with a variety of life issues, from self-esteem and body image to developing healthy relationships and healing from the past. At the heart of their struggle, she believes, is not the desire to be perfect, but the desire to be whole. And wholeness, she is convinced, ultimately comes only from God.In this book Kim invites you into her conversations with women. You'll discover you are not alone in your struggles, and you'll learn from her practical and proven guidance for growth and change. And because growth is always more powerful in community, each chapter includes questions for you to explore in a small group.Let Kim Gaines Eckert show how God can mend your brokenness and help you become a whole, healthy person--the woman he created you to be.
241 páginas
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