Questions God Asks
Dale Larsen, Sandy Larsen - IVP Bible Studies
This nine-session LifeGuide Bible study covers some of the surprising and interesting questions Old Testament characters heard from God, such as when he asked "Where are you?" of Adam and Eve. As we consider the questions God asked others, we are guided inward to reflect on the same questions in our own lives.For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions—making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.
64 páginas
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As três perguntas
Don Miguel Ruiz

A graça e disciplina do Deus fiel - Revista do professor
Ricardo Moura Lopes Coelho

A Long Obedience in the Same Direction Bible Study
Eugene H. Peterson,Dale Larsen,Sandy Larsen

A Guide to Short-Term Missions
H. Leon Greene

As mais incríveis histórias bíblicas
Lila Cruz,Anne de Vries

A libertação da mente ansiosa
Adriano Zandoná

Against All Gods
John Mark Reynolds,Phillip E. Johnson

O pastor descartável
Marva J. Dawn,Eugene Peterson

Saving the Bible from Ourselves
Glenn R. Paauw

A vida frutífera
Sachudeo Persaud,Jerry Bridges

Cosmovisão cristã - aluno
Alceu Lourenço Jr.

Wisdom for Faithful Reading
John H. Walton

Letters of John
John Stott,Dale Larsen,Sandy Larsen

Is Christianity the White Man's Religion?
Antipas L. Harris

Nobody's Mother
Sandra L. Glahn

God and Soul Care
Eric L. Johnson

The Myth of Equality
Ken Wytsma

A Inerrância das Escrituras
William C. Roach,Norman L. Geisler

Faith, Freedom and the Spirit
Paul D. Molnar