Spiritual Warfare in Mission
Mary Anne Voelkel, Jack Voelkel - IVP
Make no mistake—spiritual warfare is real.As you make your way into intentional mission and ministry, you may find yourself facing various kinds of opposition and resistance. You may experience great discouragement or doubt. Temptations may threaten to derail you. And you may even encounter active attack from spiritual forces of evil.But fear not. Veteran missionaries Jack and Mary Anne Voelkel give us confidence that God can overcome the enemy's spiritual attacks on us. When we face harassment and persecution from the principalities and powers, we need to know that Satan is not on equal footing with God. Jesus has disarmed the forces of evil through his death and resurrection. We have available to us tremendous resources for spiritual defense and offense, and by putting on the whole armor of God, we can take practical, prayerful steps toward spiritual triumph.Be not afraid. In the midst of spiritual warfare, the greater reality is that Jesus is Lord over all powers and authorities. He has already achieved the victory.Includes questions for group discussion.
32 páginas
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