Spiritual Sisterhood
Rebecca Florence Osaigbovo - IVP
In these pages, author and speaker Rebecca Florence Osaigbovo calls all sisters to either become a spiritual mother or be mentored by one. In fact, she believes the survival of African American communities depends on the renewal of mentoring relationships.Having spent many years as both a mentor and a mentee, Osaigbovo provides here the resources needed for effective, life-giving, mentoring relationships, including help for - finding someone to mentor or someone to mentor you - deciding what to do together - avoiding pitfalls - reaching across the age gap, whether older to younger or younger to olderIn addition, you'll read stories from real mentors and mentees that reveal the life-change and lasting effects that come from vibrant mentoring relationships. Older, spiritually mature African American women also offer their wise words of advice, gleaned from years of serving as spiritual mothers to others.Whether you're in a family, workplace, school or ministry context, whether you're young or old, you can begin a mentoring relationship. Let Rebecca Florence Osaigbovo and her spiritual sisters and mothers show you how.
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