Shades of Light Study Guide
Sharon Garlough Brown - IVP Formatio
Sharon Garlough Brown's novel Shades of Light is an exploration of depression, anxiety, caregiving, and the healing journey. In particular, it offers windows into the power of art as a spiritual practice.This six-week study guide is an opportunity for you to reflect on how the experiences of the characters in the novel resonate with your own experience. Daily Scripture readings and reflection questions are accompanied by an invitation to explore creativity through art and prayer collage. You'll also be introduced to the practice of visio divina (meditating on art) through a weekly link to a piece of art by Vincent van Gogh. With simple spiritual practices, this guide offers a healing balm for those in the midst of difficult seasons.
64 páginas
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Eça De Queirós
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A moreninha
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Malévola: A Rainha do mal
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O alegre canto da perdiz
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Tocando as estrelas
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Lucíola – Um Perfil De Mulher
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The Eternal Claim
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A menina mais fria de Coldtown
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Isto não é um romance
Cunha de Leiradella