The Heart of Racial Justice
John M. Perkins, Brenda Salter McNeil, Rick Richardson - IVP
Racial and ethnic hostility is one of the most pervasive problems the church faces. It hinders our effectiveness as one body of believers. It damages our witness. Why won't this problem just go away?Because it is a spiritual battle.In response, we must employ spiritual weapons—prayer, repentance, forgiveness. In this book Brenda Salter McNeil and Rick Richardson provide a model of racial reconciliation, social justice, and spiritual healing that creates both individual and communal transformation. Read this book if you want to learn how to - use your faith as a force for change, not as a smoke screen for self-protection - embrace your true self and renounce false racial identities - receive and extend forgiveness as an act of racial reconciliation - experience personal transformation through the healing of painful racial memories - engage in social action by developing ongoing crosscultural partnershipsThis classic is now part of the IVP Signature Collection, which features special editions of iconic books in celebration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of InterVarsity Press. It includes a list of definitions and a discussion and activity guide for groups. A new companion Bible study is also available.
208 páginas
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