Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership
Gary A. Haugen, Ruth Haley Barton, Leighton Ford - IVP Formatio
Spiritual Practices for Burnt Out Leaders "I'm tired of helping others enjoy God—I just want to enjoy God for myself." With this painful admission, Ruth Haley Barton invites us to an honest exploration of what happens when spiritual leaders lose track of their souls. Weaving together contemporary illustrations with penetrating insight from the life of Moses, Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership explores topics such as - responding to the dynamics of calling - facing the loneliness of leadership - leading from your authentic self - cultivating spiritual community - reenvisioning the promised land - discerning God's will togetherEach chapter includes a spiritual practice to ensure your soul gets the nourishment it needs. Forging and maintaining a life-giving connection with God is the best choice you can make for yourself and for those you lead.This expanded edition includes the popular "How Is It with Your Soul?" assessment for leaders and a flexible six- or twelve-week guided experience for groups.
240 páginas
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