Reading Ephesians with John Stott
John Stott - IVP Bible Studies
Paul's letter to the church in Ephesus is a concise yet comprehensive summary of the good news and its implications. The entire letter is a magnificent combination of Christian doctrine and Christian duty—faith and life—written that we might recognize the hope to which we are called.In this volume, John Stott's teachings from The Message of Ephesians are offered as brief devotional readings suitable for daily use. Designed as a church resource for small groups, this book includes eleven weekly studies that take you passage by passage through Ephesians, allowing readers to enjoy the riches of Stott's writings in a new, easy-to-use format.
175 páginas
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Vencendo o passado
Zibia Gasparetto,Lucius

Abra-se à restauração

Questions of Context
John G. Flett,Henning Wrogemann

Cris Poli

Standing with the Vulnerable
Gil Odendaal

Pelas portas do coração
Zibia Gasparetto,Lucius

Seeing Is Believing
Richard Vance Goodwin

Winsome Persuasion
Tim Muehlhoff,Richard Langer,Quentin J. Schultze

E os jardins continuam florindo
Frei Neylor J. Tonin

1 and 2 Samuel
David G. Firth,V. Philips Long,Tremper Longman, III

Terço na mão e fé no coração
Sonia Venâncio

Bíblia Contexto - Livro de Provérbios
Maquinaria Sankto Editorial

Em busca do bem-estar emocional
Esther Carrenho

O poder do Chowa
Akemi Tanaka,Soraya Imon de Oliveira

The Message of Chronicles
Michael Wilcock

Evolution and Holiness
Matthew Nelson Hill,Darrel R. Falk

Created and Creating
William Edgar

Princípios de interpretação bíblica
Louis Berkhof,Denise Meister

Teologia bíblica do Antigo e Novo Testamentos
Geerhardus Vos