Tyranny of the Urgent
Charles E. Hummel - IVP
With over one million copies in print, this classic from Charles E. Hummel has transformed the minds and hearts of generations of Christians. Its simplicity and depth is a foundational resource for all who have felt overwhelmed by the responsibilities of each day, week, month and year.Hummel starts with Jesus' own model of work and ministry, a model that is at once unrushed and focused. From there he lays out how we can all set and live by priorities in a way that frees us from the tyranny of the urgent.Charles E. Hummel, who died in 2004, is the author of many books. He was president of Barrington College in Rhode Island and director of faculty ministries for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA. Now thoroughly revised and expanded, Hummel's booklet ffers ideas and illustrations for effective time management to help even the busiest people find time for what's really important.
32 páginas
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