Original Sin and the Fall
J. B. Stump, Chad Meister - IVP Academic
"What is this that you have done?" Throughout the church's history, Christians have largely agreed that God's good creation of humanity was marred by humanity's sinful rebellion, resulting in our separation from God and requiring divine intervention in the saving work of Christ. But Christians have disagreed over many particular questions surrounding humanity's fall, including the extent of original sin, the nature of the fall, the question of guilt, how to interpret the narratives from Genesis, and how these questions relate to our understanding of human origins and modern science. This Spectrum Multiview book presents five views on these questions: Augustinian-Reformed, Moderate Reformed, Wesleyan, Eastern Orthodox, and a Reconceived view. Each contributor offers both an articulation of their own view and responses to the other views in question. The result is a robust reflection on one of the most central—and controversial—tenets of the faith. Views and Contributors: - An Augustinian-Reformed View (Hans Madueme, Covenant College) - A Moderate Reformed View (Oliver Crisp, The University of St. Andrews) - A Wesleyan View (Joel B. Green, Fuller Theological Seminary) - An Eastern Orthodox View (Andrew Louth, Durham University) - A Reconceived View (Tatha Wiley, University of St. Thomas)Spectrum Multiview Books offer a range of viewpoints on contested topics within Christianity, giving contributors the opportunity to present their position and also respond to others in this dynamic publishing format.
200 páginas
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