New Morning Mercies for Teens
Paul David Tripp - Crossway
Paul David Tripp's Bestselling Daily Devotional New Morning Mercies, Adapted for Teenagers Teenagers today face unprecedented and complex challenges in their lives and relationships. Parents and youth leaders can offer valuable Christian guidance, but it's in Scripture that we encounter the wisdom of Jesus, new and sufficient for that day's difficulty and temptation. This updated edition of Paul David Tripp's bestselling book New Morning Mercies features 365 engaging daily devotionals, adapted for ages 13–21. Each reading includes a compelling, gospel-centered tweet, an extended meditation for the day, a Bible verse to commit to memory, and a prompt for discussion or personal meditation. Tripp also includes a bonus Q&A chapter in which he briefly answers questions around relevant topics including anxiety, gender, social media, and spiritual disciplines. Focused less on behavior modification and more on helping teenagers encounter the living God, this book helps young people to fall in love with Jesus, find freedom and joy within his boundaries, and live for his glory—day in and day out. - Adapted from New Morning Mercies (Over 1 Million Copies Sold): Features 365 revised devotionals and new discussion questions for ages 13–21 - Bonus Q&A Chapter: Tripp answers teens' questions around 18 important topics including depression, pornography, social media, and church - Written by Paul David Tripp: Author of the bestselling books Parenting and Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens - A Great Gift for High School Students and College Students
416 páginas
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