Ministry in the Digital Age
David T. Bourgeois - IVP
"Christianity is fundamentally a communication event. It is God revealing God's self to the world. And God uses a large variety of media to accomplish that revelation."—Shane Hipps, author of Flickering PixelsViral videos and retweeted posts fill the air around us. In the midst of constant news feeds and mobile alerts, ministries have unprecedented opportunities to connect with people yearning for community with others and God.But how? In this post-website world, it?s no longer enough to have a static website and hope that people find it. If you want to get your online content in front of your audience, you need to have a digital presence in the streams where they?re already active.David Bourgeois offers a practical step-by-step guide for discerning and implementing a digital strategy for your ministry. He provides an overview of how Christians can use technology and communication media wisely, with concrete ideas for churches and nonprofit organizations. Discover how you can make the most of every opportunity to extend your ministry?s electronic reach and impact.
144 páginas
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