Esau McCaulley - IVP Formatio
"Lent is inescapably about repenting." Every year, the church invites us into a season of repentance and fasting in preparation for Holy Week. It's an invitation to turn away from our sins and toward the mercy and grace of Christ. Often, though, we experience the Lenten fast as either a mindless ritual or self-improvement program. In this short volume, priest and scholar Esau McCaulley introduces the season of Lent, showing us how its prayers and rituals point us not just to our own sinfulness but also beyond it to our merciful Savior. Each volume in the Fullness of Time series invites readers to engage with the riches of the church year, exploring the traditions, prayers, Scriptures, and rituals of the seasons of the church calendar.
112 páginas
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Filósofos espirituais
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Prof. Felipe Aquino

Fama, Fortuna e Ambição

A paixão de Cristo
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Crescer em Comunhão vol. 3 Ctq/Ctz - Versão 2021
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Estresse, ansiedade e depressão
Gisela Savioli

Journaling as a Spiritual Practice
Helen Cepero

O Pai Nosso por um homem comum
Luiz Henrique Lusvarghi

Desvendando a Maçonaria
Sérgio Pereira Couto

A liderança que Deus valoriza
Angela Tesheiner,Richard Stearns

Espírito Santo
Raniero Cantalamessa

Fioretti de São Francisco de Assis
Sem Autor

Os ponteiros apontam para o Infinito
Vítor Coelho de Almeida,Daniel Siqueira

Um coração saudável
Dr. Roque Marcos Savioli

Lead Like It Matters to God Study Guide
Richard Stearns

Hipertensão Arterial
Gisela Savioli,Roque Marcos Savioli

O segredo de Maria
São Luís Maria Grignion de Montfort

Recapturing an Enchanted World
Gordon T. Smith,John D. Rempel

Antigo Testamento - NVT (Nova Versão Transformadora)
Editora Mundo Cristão