Messy Church
Jane Leadbetter, Lucy Moore - IVP
IVP Readers' Choice Award We like the idea of community, but where do we start? The Messy Church series provides resources to help your church bring together people of all ages and stages of faith, allowing them to experience a creative and fun-filled Christian community. Messy Church, the first book in the series, offers your church a tool to create a unique, come-as-you-are experience built on - creativity—allowing space for all to play and create - celebration—worshiping God and his redeeming work in Jesus - hospitality—sharing a meal where all are welcomeThis complete resource helps you share the love of God and his people with families in your community, creating an opportunity for connection and learning in a fun and welcoming environment. With instructions for starting a program at your church, Messy Church includes fifteen sessions for use throughout the year. Let's get messy!
240 páginas
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