Knowing God Through the Year
J. I. Packer, Carolyn Nystrom - IVP
Here is a daily guide through one of the most treasured books of Christian spirituality: J. I. Packer's Knowing God. Each day you'll read a Scripture and a brief passage about the glory and joy of being in relationship with God. An idea at the end of each day's reading will help you to respond to God in prayer and reflection. This could be the most significant book you will read this year—or next.
328 páginas
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Os títulos que podem te interessar, de acordo com suas escolhas recentes.

Jean-Yves Leloup

Sem ele nada podemos fazer
Papa Francisco,Gianni Valente

Delighting in the Old Testament
Stephen J. Wellum,Jason DeRouchie

As mais incríveis histórias bíblicas
Lila Cruz,Anne de Vries

Perdoar sem limites
Padre Vicente

Salmos 86-89, NVT
Editora Mundo Cristão

Nossa Senhora do Ó
Gracielle Reis

Ateísmo em sete lições
Emerson Sena

Tell Her Story
Nijay K. Gupta,Beth Allison Barr

Hialmar Marc d´Haese

Pregação cristocêntrica
Bryan Chapell,Vagner Barbosa,Oadi Salum

Mobilizing Hope
Jim Wallis,Adam Taylor

A Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers
Derek C. Schuurman,Ethan J. Brue,Steven H. VanderLeest

As crises da Igreja
Bernard Peyrous,Sylvie Bernay

A Bíblia desenterrada
Israel Finkelstein,Neil Asher Silberman

The Spiritually Vibrant Home
Don Everts

Structured for Mission
Alan J. Roxburgh

Witness Essentials
Daniel Meyer

O Livro dos Médiuns
Allan Kardec