Knowing God Through the Year
J. I. Packer, Carolyn Nystrom
Here is a daily guide through one of the most treasured books of Christian spirituality: J. I. Packer's Knowing God. Each day you'll read a Scripture and a brief passage about the glory and joy of being in relationship with God. An idea at the end of each day's reading will help you to respond to God in prayer and reflection. This could be the most significant book you will read this year—or next.
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Os títulos que podem te interessar, de acordo com suas escolhas recentes.
The Common Rule
Justin Whitmel Earley
Sofrimento e a soberania de Deus
John Piper,Justin Taylor,Heloísa Cavallari
Ser presbítero católico
Eanes Roberto de Lima
Resisting the Marriage Plot
Dalene Joy Fisher
Beginning with God
James W. Sire
Em seus passos o que faria Jesus
Charles M. Sheldon
Revelações e Promessas da Imagem de Jesus Misericordioso
Daniela Miranda
Tratando Fobia, Pânico E Depressão Com Terapia De Regressão
Mauro Kwitko
Lutero e a vida cristã
Carl Trueman,João Pedro Cavani Almeida
Land of My Sojourn
Mike Cosper
Leading Small Groups in the Way of Jesus
M. Scott Boren
As 5 linguagens do amor dos adolescentes
Gary Chapman
Caminho de iniciação à vida cristã 3a. etapa catequista
Diocese de Caxias do Sul
Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith
Todd R. Hains,Robert Kolb
Winsome Persuasion
Tim Muehlhoff,Richard Langer,Quentin J. Schultze
William Douglas,Davi Lago
Kardec – o homem que desvendou os espíritos
Luis Eduardo de Souza
Becoming a Christian
John Stott
Missional God, Missional Church
Ross Hastings
Disability and the Church
Bill Gaventa,Lamar Hardwick
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