Jesus the Messiah
Robert H. Stein - IVP Academic
In this accessible introduction to Jesus Christ, Robert Stein draws together the results of a career of research and writing on Jesus and the Gospels. Now in paperback, this classic textbook treats every episode in the life of Jesus with historical care and attention to its significance for understanding the life and ministry of Jesus. Clearly written, ably argued, and geared to the needs of students, Jesus the Messiah will give probing minds a sure grounding in the life and ministry of Jesus.
290 páginas
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Sede fecundos
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Arminian Theology
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Vade retro, satanás!
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Spiritual Sisterhood
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Tome a decisão!
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A hora é agora!
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Gotas de Sentido
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The Trinity, Practically Speaking
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Why the Rest Hates the West
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Shaped by the Cross
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Pregando Cristo a partir do Antigo Testamento
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