David Allan Hubbard - IVP Academic
A wanton and adulterous woman repeatedly spurns the love of her youth. Her betrayed and grieving husband offers forgiveness and seeks to restore the intimacy of their first love.Bold imagery indeed for telling the story of God and his people. Bolder still when God calls a prophet to enflesh this divine suffering and redeeming forgiveness in his own marriage. Yet this remarkable story sets the stage for Hosea's message of God's enduring love, his righteous judgement and his persistent offer of reconciliation.This commentary explores the historical, cultural, literary and theological dimensions of the book of Hosea. Distilled from a career of biblical scholarship, theological reflection and masterful teaching, David Hubbard has been studying, teaching and thinking about Hosea for a long time. He frankly admits he can't imagine himself "as a human being, let alone as a believing person, without the deposit of Hosea's political, moral and spiritual insights." Find out why.The original, unrevised text of this volume has been completely retypeset and printed in a larger, more attractive format with the new cover design for the series.
246 páginas
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