Subversive Mission
Craig Greenfield - IVP
For many, missions is the story of heroes, martyrs, and the advance of the gospel. For others, it's the story of colonialism and missionary disasters. So how do we respond to God's call to love our neighbors as a new era emerges? Subversive mission is submission—to God and local leaders. Subversive mission offers a new way forward for outsiders called to crosscultural ministry by serving as humble alongsiders.Join Craig Greenfield on this inspiring journey in Asia and beyond as he rediscovers the fivefold missional gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher, and demonstrates how each of these must look radically different in a crosscultural context. Along the way, you'll discover your own missional type through the Missional Type Inventory and come face to face with the five most common pitfalls that Westerners face in crosscultural settings. By the end of this story, you'll be inspired by a radically different way of working for change in the world. Come alongside. And join God in what he is already doing.
224 páginas
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Compassion (&) Conviction
Michael Wear,Chris Butler,Justin Giboney,Barbara Williams-Skinner

Christ Crucified
Donald Macleod

A Juventude e a Força do Amor
Dom Rafael Cifuentes

The Message of Ephesians
John Stott

Who Needs Theology?
Roger E. Olson,Stanley J. Grenz

Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians
Ben Witherington III

Identity and Idolatry
D. A. Carson,Richard Lints

The Message of Acts
John Stott

A providência secreta de Deus
João Calvino,Elizabeth Gomes,Paul Helm

Conselhos espirituais
Mestre Eckhart

A libertação da mente ansiosa
Adriano Zandoná

Volta ao mundo sem malas
José H. Prado Flores,Padre Emiliano Tardif

Spiritual Practices in Community
Diana Shiflett

Herdeiros da Aliança
Susan Hunt,Heloisa Cavallari R. Martins

Faith Has Its Reasons
Kenneth Boa,Robert M. Bowman Jr.

A religião dos incas
Carmen Bernand,Fábio Creder

Recovering the Full Mission of God
Dean Flemming

The Prophecy of Isaiah
J. Alec Motyer

The Lost World of the Torah
John H. Walton,J. Harvey Walton