Dale Larsen, Sandy Larsen - IVP Bible Studies
In the busyness and challenges of daily life, it's easy to put showing gratitude low on our priority list. Yet Scripture continually reveals how important gratitude is for God's people—in good times and bad.In this eight-session LifeGuide® Bible study, Dale and Sandy Larsen help us explore how giving thanks reminds us of what God has done, reorients us around God's grace, and helps us enjoy good gifts instead of taking them for granted. Drawing from both the Old and New Testaments, Gratitude encourages us to grow in trust and joy as we hold tight to God's goodness in life's ups and downs.For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions—making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.
64 páginas
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Sexo e supremacia de Cristo
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A pergunta que não quer calar
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I Once Was Lost
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The Message of Proverbs
David J. Atkinson

Brisa de verão
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Intergenerational Christian Formation
Jason Brian Santos,Christine Lawton,Cory L. Seibel,Holly Catterton Allen

Coisas velhas e novas
Frei Hermógenes Harada

Na estufa com Deus
Cláudio Cássio da Mata,Francisco Pinheiro

Michael Frost,Barry D. Jones

Pelos Caminhos Do Espiritismo
Eliseu Rigonatti

The Enneagram Goes to Church
Todd Wilson

O nome de Deus é misericórdia
Andrea Tornielli

Organizational Leadership
Donald C. Simmons Jr.,Jack Burns,John R. Shoup

Padre Reginaldo Manzotti

Minha primeira Bíblia
Thais Linhares,Padre Reginaldo Manzotti

How to Read Job
John H. Walton,Tremper Longman, III

Aparecida. Uma novela sobre a história da imagem antes de ter sido encontrada no Rio Paraíba em 1717
Francisco Maria Bueno de Sequeira

A presença desconhecida de cristo na religião tradicional africana
José Armando Vicente

Biblical Theology According to the Apostles
Chris Bruno,D. A. Carson,Kevin McFadden,Jared Compton