Comfort Detox
Erin M. Straza - IVP
"For too long I have lived life on comfort mode, making choices for life engagement based on safety, ease, and convenience. It has left me very little wiggle room, just a small parcel of real estate upon which to live, move, and have my being. It's not quite the abundant life Jesus was offering."Whether we're aware of it or not, our minds, bodies, and souls often seek out what's comfortable. Erin Straza has gone on a journey of self-discovery, awakening to her own inherent drive for a comfort that cannot truly fulfill or satisfy. She depicts her struggles with vulnerability and honesty, and shares stories of other women who are on this same path. Straza also provides practical insights and exercises to help you find freedom from the lure of the comfortable.This detox program will allow you to recognize pseudo versions of comfort and replace them with a conviction to embrace God's true comfort. Discover the secret to countering the comfort addiction and become available as God's agent of comfort to serve a world that longs for his justice and mercy.
204 páginas
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