Christian Apologetics
Douglas Groothuis - IVP Academic
Second Edition of a Landmark Apologetics Work People are hungry for hope.They want to understand our human condition—its origin, nature, purpose, and destiny. The Christian faith offers hope for individuals and the entire universe, grounded in absolute truth. But how can we know that Christianity is true? And how can Christians confidently present their beliefs in the face of doubts and competing views? In this comprehensive text, Douglas Groothuis makes a clear and rigorous case for Christian theism. The second edition of this landmark work has been updated throughout to address current issues and sources. It includes - New chapters on topics such as doubt and the hiddenness of God, the atonement, the church, and lament as a Christian apologetic, - The most common questions and objections people raise regarding Christianity addressed in a way that demonstrates how apologetics must be both rational and winsome, - A foundation for the biblical basis for apologetics, apologetic method, and a defense of objective truth, - A presentation of key arguments for the reality of God, a case for the credibility of Jesus, and evidence for the resurrection, and - Groothuis's evaluation of alternative views and response to challenges such as religious pluralism and the problem of evil.To know God in Christ, Groothuis argues, means that we desire to make Christian truth available to others in the most compelling form possible. Students, ordinary Christians, and seasoned philosophers will all find a wise guide for this endeavor in Christian Apologetics.
848 páginas
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