Breaking Old Rhythms
Dan Kimball, Amena Brown - IVP
"When two fighters of equal ability and speed are matched . . . there is a greater advantage to the one who knows how to break the rhythm."—Bruce LeeRhythm is a blessing. By rhythm we dance, sing, clap, walk and breathe.Beyond the blessing is the Giver of Rhythm, who sometimes calls us past the patterns and habits we have established for ourselves into new understanding, new risk, new faith, hope and love.In those moments we have to decide where to place our trust: in God or in our precious rhythms.Spoken word poet Amena Brown has made rhythm her life's work. In Breaking Old Rhythms she explores how we discover by rhythm both our God-given limitations and potential, and the ways we limit God's work in our lives. Read this book and be reminded, and encouraged, that while God has rhythm, God is love, and God's love carries us beyond our rhythms into a fuller, more fulfilling life.
144 páginas
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