Besides the Bible
John Pattison, Dan Gibson, Jordan Green - IVP
So many books, so little time. How do you decide what to read? Walking into a bookstore, a library, or looking online can be an intimidating and overwhelming experience, to say the least. With so many options and not knowing what's best for you, it's easy to just end up making an impulse buy or giving up on reading altogether. We barely spend as much time reading as we'd like, and then we often end up completely frustrated by what we chose to read.Besides the Bible is a guide to the really great books that you should read—ones that matter. Covering a wide array of subjects and authors, from Christian bookstore best sellers to classics of Christian history and more, you'll find yourself agreeing with some titles, shaking your head at others, and even shocked by a few. This isn't a dry catalog with dull summaries of books authored by a bunch of dead guys. Dan Gibson, Jordan Green, and John Pattison, along with an all-star team of today's most interesting Christian thinkers—including Donald Miller, Derek Webb, Phyllis Tickle, Steve Taylor, and William P. Young— will re-ignite your love for reading or if you're a little lazy, give you enough information to make it seem like you're incredibly well read.
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Os títulos que podem te interessar, de acordo com suas escolhas recentes.

Faith and Reason
Steve Wilkens

From Pandemic to Renewal
Chris Rice

The Magnificent Story
James Bryan Smith

O Diário de Simonton
Daisy Serra Ribeiro,Ashbel Green Simonton

When Children Come Out
Olya Zaporozhets,Mark A. Yarhouse

Dictionary of the Later New Testament & Its Developments
Peter H. Davids,Ralph P. Martin

Mulher do reino
Tony Evans,Chrystal Evans Hurst

Berço de luz
Eliane Macarini,Vinícius

When Women Give
Kim King,Peter Greer

SAF em Revista - 4º trimestre 2023
Confederação Nacional de SAFs

Ser um verdadeiro cristão
Silas Malafaia

A cura da alma feminina
Padre Adriano Zandoná

Short-Term Mission
Brian M. Howell

2 Corinthians
N. T. Wright,Patty Pell

O direito de ser feliz
Eliana Machado Coelho,Schellida

As Institutas
João Calvino,Waldyr Carvalho Luz

The Message of Proverbs
David J. Atkinson

Untangling Critical Race Theory
Preston Sprinkle,Ed Uszynski,Crawford Loritts

Who Moved My Neighborhood?
Harold Calvin Ray,Mark E. Strong