Andrew T. Le Peau, Phyllis J. Le Peau - IVP Bible Studies
We all want a faith that won't let us down in times of trouble or loss, uncertainty or fear. A faith that can pull us through the worst--and best--times in our lives. This is the kind of faith that James writes about. It is a faith that we must practice day by day. This nine-session LifeGuide® Bible Study by Andrew and Phyllis Le Peau on the teaching of James will help us grow a steadfast faith that can carry us through all the ups and downs of life.For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions—making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.
64 páginas
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Why Do I Feel Like This?
Peace Amadi

Imitação de Cristo - Letra maior
Tomás de Kempis,Frei Tomás Borgmeier

A busca da verdade
Nancy Pearcey

Vera Lúcia Marinzeck de Carvalho

Aprenda a viver o agora
Monja Coen

Refuse to Do Nothing
Elisa Morgan,Shayne Moore,Kimberly McOwen Yim

O Colecionador De Muletas
Afonso de Santa Cruz

Douglas Connelly

Power Women
Deshonna Collier-Goubil,Nancy Wang Yuen

Analog Christian
Dan Kimball,Jay Y. Kim

Seasoned Speech
James E. Beitler III

Comentário Bíblico Latino-americano - Volume único
C. René Padilla,Rosalee Velloso,Milton Acosta

The Message of Hebrews
Raymond Brown

O Bom Mestre de Nazaré
Fr. Bruno Varriano

The Message of 1 Timothy & Titus
John Stott

Small Things with Great Love
Tony Campolo,Margot Starbuck

Encontre sua Bússola Interior
Barbara Berger

Eyshila Santos

Overturning Tables
Scott A. Bessenecker