A Sojourner's Truth
Patricia Raybon, Natasha Sistrunk Robinson - IVP
A Sojourner's Truth is an African American girl's journey from South Carolina to the United States Naval Academy, and then to her calling as an international speaker, mentor, and thought-leader. Intertwined with Natasha's story is the story of Moses, a leader who was born into a marginalized people group, resisted the injustices of Pharaoh, denied the power of Egypt, and trusted God even when he did not fully understand where he was going. Along the way we explore the spiritual and physical tensions of truth telling, character and leadership development, and bridge building across racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender lines. Join the journey to discover your own identity, purpose, and truth-revealing moments.
208 páginas
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Quem é Jesus?
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Sermon on the Mount
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Como Liderar Pessoas Difíceis
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The Message of Amos
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O Diário de um maçom
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Comentários do Antigo Testamento - Jó
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O uso paulino da expressão "de jeito nenhum" em Gálatas
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