Hope Ain't a Hustle
Irwyn L. Ince Jr., Christina Edmondson - IVP
Sometimes hope can feel like a scam—a swindle, a hustle. You thought it was real, and you bought into it. But then the tables turn, and you feel like you've been hustled—like you've been had. As Christians, we often respond to the brokenness of life as if we do not actually have hope—as if the promises of God are not really certain. But Pastor Irwyn Ince assures us that not only do we have hope, but that hope cannot disappoint us because it is validated by God himself. Hope Ain't a Hustle is a clear and accessible exploration of the epistle to the Hebrews, urging us to place our confidence in the finished work of our great high priest, Jesus Christ, and showing how that confidence changes the way we live in the here and now. It's not that Christians don't face grief or anger, disappointment or deep sorrow. It's that we don't face them as those "who have no hope."
208 páginas
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