A Mind for God
James Emery White - IVP
To be fully human is to think.The apostle Paul calls us to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5). But James Emery White fears that Western Christians are failing in this task. Because we have not developed good intellectual habits, our minds instead have been captured by our culture.A Mind for God is written to help us break free from this cultural captivity through the spiritual and intellectual disciplines of reading, study and reflection. This inspirational and practical "rule for the mind" encourages and enables us to develop our minds for God.Includes book lists and resources so you can "grow your brain."
127 páginas
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An Invitation to Analytic Christian Theology
Thomas H. McCall

Pela estrada do perdão
Tania Queiroz,Marcus Vinícius

A Luta Inglória do Padre Antonio Vieira
Anita Novinsky

Orando com a Misericórdia
Ironi Spuldaro

Companions in Suffering
Trillia J. Newbell,Wendy Alsup

Balm in Gilead
Timothy George,Keith L. Johnson,Tiffany Eberle Kriner,Timothy Larsen,Han-luen Kantzer Komline,Lauren F. Winner,Marilynne Robinson,Rowan Williams,Patricia Andujo

Exercícios espirituais com São Miguel Arcanjo
Flávio Sobreiro

Nicholas Perrin,Eckhard J. Schnabel,Jeannine K. Brown

God and Evil
Chad Meister,James K. Dew Jr.

A Week In the Life of Ephesus
David A. deSilva

As 5 linguagens do amor das crianças - nova edição
Gary Chapman,Ross Campbell,Maria Emília de Oliveira

Mãos de Luz
Barbara Ann Brennan

God Dwells Among Us
Benjamin L. Gladd,G. K. Beale,Mitchell Kim

Exploring the Old Testament
J. Gordon McConville,Philip E. Satterthwaite

Cosmovisão cristã - professor
Alceu Lourenço Jr.

Facing "The Talk"
Wendy Elizabeth Chapin

O surgimento da Bíblia
Konrad Schmid,Jens Schröter

Devocionário a Santa Cruz
Sandro Arquejada

O grande livro do Ho'oponopono
Luc Bodin,Jean Graciet,Nathalie Bodin