Warrior Princess
Belinda A. Collins, Princess Kasune Zulu - IVP
Princess Kasune Zulu grew up in an Africa trying to make sense of the mystery illness claiming its people. As a child, she could not know the disease that claimed the lives of her parents and baby sister would go on to infect more than 100 million people. Left alone to care for her siblings, Princess later discovered she herself was HIV positive. But she heard a calling to become an advocate and ambassador for those affected by disease and poverty. From talking to truck drivers about AIDS to her providential work as a radio broadcaster, Princess has boldly stepped up to speak on behalf of the voiceless and forgotten.Princess's journey has taken her from the dusty villages of Zambia to the offices of world leaders from the White House to the United Nations. Her message is that we can now become the first generation to end extreme poverty, if only we have the will to do so. Her story shows that even though life is uncertain and our time may be short, we each have a role to play in bringing healing and hope to our world.A percentage of proceeds from the sale of this book will support children affected by AIDS.
272 páginas
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