Untangling Critical Race Theory
Preston Sprinkle, Ed Uszynski, Crawford Loritts - IVP
What is Critical Race Theory? It may be one of the most widely referenced issues of the day, but it's also one of the least understood. In its translation from the academic world to the general public, Critical Race Theory (CRT) has inaccurately become a catch-all term for anything related to race. But what does it actually mean, and how should Christians engage it? Ed Uszynski—whose PhD in American culture studies navigated readings in Marxism, Critical Theory, and Critical Race Theory—carefully unpacks what critical race theorists seek to accomplish and what Christians can learn from them. Uszynski generously explores CRT's roots, context, and central tenets, revealing how its insights are used and distorted but also how they might benefit the church. With responsible answers to legitimate concerns, Uszynski goes beyond the surface to provide a reliable path of just discernment and cultural engagement.
272 páginas
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