Jane Overstreet - IVP
What kind of leader would you be if you were suddenly handed more power? What if you got that promotion you wanted or a headhunter called tomorrow offering you your dream job? Would your leadership be an example of servanthood and justice, or would you give in to the temptations that power always presents?In the time it took Samuel to pour oil on each of their heads, Saul and David both moved from unknown kids to kings of Israel. Their responses to that promotion had radically different outcomes. Saul made God sorry he had made him king. David brought joy to God as a man after his own heart. What about you? What would happen if God suddenly promoted you? A simple way to find out is to evaluate what your leadership looks like right now, and this book gives you the opportunity to do just that. Read about the intriguing similarities between Saul and David and the different choices they made that shaped their leadership. Then compare basic qualities of your leadership to each of theirs. You may be surprised at the qualities God values in a leader. Leadership development is a lifetime process. No matter your age or leadership experience, there is still time to grow into a leader that brings more joy to God's heart. Take the journey. It could have some wonderful rewards.
134 páginas
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